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The 2024 edition of this essential collection development tool for health sciences libraries of all sizes represents the collective wisdom of almost 200 medical librarians and content experts on the must-have titles in 121 specialties! You may order Doody's Core Titles 2024 by Clicking Here.
Victoria H. Goode, MLIS, AHIP
Alonzo D. LaMont, Communications Specialist
Welch Medical Library
Johns Hopkins University

Promoting your library's resources and services is an essential part of every librarian's day. However, oftentimes the ability to promote these resources and services effectively and broadly throughout a campus can be difficult. Time, available funds, and the size of the institution all are important factors in these activities, especially since this type of communication needs to be multifaceted and use as many methods as are available and feasible.

Two years ago here at the Welch Medical Library on the Johns Hopkins medical campus, we decided to start podcasting about the library. As the chair of our library’s communication committee at the time, Alonzo brought the idea to my attention and a short time later our first podcast was recorded. As time went by, our small endeavor turned into a monthly activity that we used to highlight resources, services and other important information pertinent to the library and the Hopkins community.

We have used these podcasts to become part of the campus conversation and have been able to host a variety of guests. We have had a fellow Hopkins podcaster, librarians from other Hopkins campuses, guests who have promoted the Electronic Theses and Dissertations initiative and data management, and we have also spent some illustrious time with the president of The Johns Hopkins University and the dean of the school of medicine. Several of the resource-related podcasts have even been turned into videos to allow for screenshots and navigation information. In unison with our other social media activities, podcasts have created a unique niche that allows for a more expansive library “presence.”

The podcasts are posted in multiple locations, including the Welch Medical Library website within the blog ( and on the main Johns Hopkins Medicine podcast website ( The podcasts are housed on our Welch Library Blog, which has received approximately 81,600 visits this year. We have received positive feedback from our patrons about the podcasts and are working to implement a more in-depth assessment of their impact on our campus.

Podcasting has given us yet another venue for communicating information about the library. Whether relaying the details surrounding a new resource or outlining the submission process for an ILL request, podcasts can be downloaded and accessed while on the go. This versatility makes them solid companions in our efforts to communicate with a perpetually busy hospital and school community.

A podcast is a fairly easy activity to start, even with a tight budget or a limited amount of time. We believe that when trying to effectively engage with a campus community, diversification helps to get your word out. Podcasting is a platform that allows for a greater voice and spirit to your mission. Even if podcasting is not part of your current campus culture, be a trailblazer and try something new. You never know where it may lead.

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