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Charting a Future for Sequencing RNA and Its Modifications: A New Era for Biology and Medicine
ISBN: 978-0-309-70695-7, 248 pages, Soft Cover
ISBN-10: 0-309-70695-5
Copyright: 2024
Edition: 1st
Author: National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
Specialties: Genetics , Molecular Biology
Publisher: National Academies Press
500 5th Street, NW
Keck 360
Washington, DC 20001
P: 8006246242 F: 202-334-2793
List Price: $40.00
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At A Glance

Concerted efforts to deepen understanding of RNA modifications and their role in living systems hold the potential to advance human health, improve crop yields, and address other pressing societal challenges. RNA, which carries the information encoded by DNA to the places where it is needed, is amazingly diverse and dynamic. RNA is processed and modified through natural biological pathways, giving rise to hundreds, in some cases thousands, of distinct RNA molecules for each gene, thereby diversifying genetic information. RNA modifications are known to be pivotal players in nearly all biological processes, and their dysregulation has been implicated in a wide range of human diseases and disorders. Yet, our knowledge of RNA modifications remains incomplete, hindered by current technological limitations. Existing methods cannot discover all RNA modifications, let alone comprehensively sequence them on every RNA molecule. Nonetheless, what is known about RNA modifications has already been leveraged in the development of vaccines that helped saved millions of lives worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic. RNA modifications also have applications beyond health, for example, enhancing agricultural productivity.

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