The APIC/JCR Infection Prevention and Control Workbook, 4th Edition

ISBN: 9781635852059
ISBN-10: 1635852056
Copyright: 2021
Edition: 4th
Editor: Grota, Patti G., Rupp, Angela H.,
Doody's Expert Review    Score: 96
Reviewer: Irene Newquist,  BSN MSN  (VA Nebraska-Western Iowa Health Care System)
This book has been developed in collaboration by APIC and Joint Commission Resources to help infection prevention (IP) professionals and healthcare systems identify infection control risks. This is done through risk assessments, collaboration within the healthcare systems to develop and improve IP practices, and activities throughout the continuum of care. The book focuses on the 11 areas within infection prevention and control programs such as leadership, risk-based approaches, surveillance activities, infectious disease emergencies, cleaning, disinfection and sterilization, and environment of care, just to name a few. The book includes several figures, bulleted lists, and tips for new infection preventionists. This is the fourth edition of this textbook, last published in 2016.
The purpose of this book is to assist IP team and healthcare systems to identify infection risks and challenges within their settings by providing the strategies and resources to develop, implement, and evaluate a comprehensive IP program to minimize those risks. These are worthy objectives, which the book meets, evidenced by bullet-pointed JCR standards as well as tools to develop strategies to improve patient safety.
This textbook is written for all IP professionals globally and meets the needs of this intended audience. The authors are credible authorities based on their credentials and experience in infection prevention and control.
The best points of the book are its use of Joint Commission Standards, both in the United States and globally, at the beginning of each chapter. Throughout the chapters, there are also tips to help with developing strategies. As someone new to the IP field, the book kept my interest. I found the information well written, easy to read, and useful. The book does not have a glossary, but provides references at the end of each chapter, which are helpful.
This book is well written and useful to someone new to the field of infection prevention.
Review Questionnaire
Range Question Score
1-10 Are the author's objectives met? 10
1-10 Rate the worthiness of those objectives. 10
1-5 Is this written at an appropriate level? 5
1-5 Is there significant duplication? (1=significant, 5=insignificant) 5
1-5 Are there significant omissions? (1=significant, 5=insignificant) 5
1-5 Rate the authority of the authors. 5
1-5 Are there sufficient illustrations? 1
1-5 Rate the pedagogic value of the illustrations. 5
1-5 Rate the print quality of the illustrations. 5
1-5 Are there sufficient references? 5
1-5 Rate the currency of the references. 5
1-5 Rate the pertinence of the references. 5
1-5 Rate the helpfulness of the index. 5
1-5 If important in this specialty, rate the physical appearance of the book N/A
1-10 Is this a worthwhile contribution to the field? 10
1-10 If this is a 2nd or later edition, is this new edition needed? 10