Ethics Rounds: A Casebook in Pediatric Bioethics

ISBN: 9781610023665
ISBN-10: 1610023668
Copyright: 2019
Edition: 1st
Editor: Lantos, John D.
Doody's Expert Review    Score: 95
Reviewer: Joseph  Hageman,  MD  (Comer Children's Hospital)
This is an excellent, clinically relevant series of cases involving medical ethics in pediatrics compiled and edited by the premier pediatric medical ethicist.
The purpose is to provide a resource for the "beginning of a discussion about pediatric bioethics, rather than the end of one." Clinicians, physicians, and pediatric providers in training will learn basic principles of bioethics in a medical context using a case-based or casuistic approach. The book definitely meets its worthy objectives.
The audience is pediatric providers. Providers in training and clinicians can benefit from reading the introduction as a basis for learning the basic principles of bioethics, then reading the cases in the individual sections. The author and the contributors are credible authorities. This represents the state of the art in pediatric medical bioethics.
The introduction presents the basics of bioethics. Subsequent sections present cases involving end-of-life decisions, different philosophies. genomics, severe disability, research ethics, and law and health policy. Each case is a clinical story, which anyone involved with the clinical care of pediatric patients will be able to identify with and embrace.
This is a state-of-the-art, case-based compilation of excellent, challenging pediatric cases involving difficult ethical decisions for pediatric providers. Readers will learn the principles of bioethics in the introduction, which will then be reinforced in each section of the book and with each clinical case. As a pediatrician with over 30 years of clinical experience as a neonatologist, pediatric intensivist, hospitalist, and apnea doctor, I learned a lot and relived a number of clinical situations in reading this excellent book. It should be available in every pediatric medical library as well as in units caring for critically ill pediatric patients. Highly recommended.
Review Questionnaire
Range Question Score
1-10 Are the author's objectives met? 10
1-10 Rate the worthiness of those objectives. 10
1-5 Is this written at an appropriate level? 5
1-5 Is there significant duplication? (1=significant, 5=insignificant) 5
1-5 Are there significant omissions? (1=significant, 5=insignificant) 5
1-5 Rate the authority of the authors. 5
1-5 Are there sufficient illustrations? 3
1-5 Rate the pedagogic value of the illustrations. N/A
1-5 Rate the print quality of the illustrations. N/A
1-5 Are there sufficient references? 5
1-5 Rate the currency of the references. 4
1-5 Rate the pertinence of the references. 5
1-5 Rate the helpfulness of the index. 5
1-5 If important in this specialty, rate the physical appearance of the book 4
1-10 Is this a worthwhile contribution to the field? 10
1-10 If this is a 2nd or later edition, is this new edition needed? N/A