Treating Trauma in Dialectical Behavior Therapy: The DBT Prolonged Exposure Protocol (DBT PE)

ISBN: 9781462549122
ISBN-10: 1462549128
Copyright: 2022
Edition: 1st
Author: Harned, Melanie S.
Doody's Expert Review    Score: 99
Reviewer: Gary Kaniuk,  PsyD  (Cermak Health Services)
This book discusses how dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) has incorporated prolonged exposure (PE) to help clients who are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It presents a step-by-step approach including how to prepare clients for this treatment, utilizing the actual protocol, maintaining gains, and working with different populations.
According to the book, "combining the power of two leading evidence-based therapies -- and designed to meet the needs of high-risk, severely impaired clients -- this groundbreaking manual integrates DBT with an adapted version of prolonged exposure (PE) therapy for PTSD. Melanie S. Harned shows how to implement the DBT PE protocol with DBT clients who have achieved the safety and stability needed to engage in trauma-focused treatment." Those are worthy objectives. The book meets the stated objectives.
The book does not specifically outline the intended audience. However, I can safely say that the target audience is clinicians who treat trauma victims in their practice. The book meets the needs of its intended audience. The author is a credible authority on the subject matter of the book. Melanie S. Harned is an associate professor at the University of Washington. Her extensive research, including articles and book chapters, has focused on the development and use of DBT PE protocol. She is also involved in training and consultation.
The book begins with a look at the development of DBT PE. Since so many clients who receive DBT have trauma in their histories, it is important for clinicians to be trained in treating PTSD. The trials began in the early 2000s and now there is a fairly substantial research base. The therapeutic process begins with the pretreatment phase, where an assessment is conducted to see if DBT will help the client reach their goals. If PTSD is found to be a problem area, then there can be an orientation to DBT PE. The therapist must help clients increase motivation since reluctance to change is fairly common. In session one, individuals are oriented to the treatment paradigm, provided a skills plan, and assigned homework. During the intermediate sessions, there is a continuation of imaginal exposure and processing. Homework assignments are reviewed, and avoidance behaviors identified. The final session highlights progress and the in vivo exposure hierarchy is reviewed. In general, therapists must structure treatment according to the type of trauma the client experienced. The book ends with a discussion of Stage 3, which is the client looking forward to an improved future. There are four appendices, with reproducible client handouts, therapist forms, session checklists, and screening and outcome measures. The book is very readable and contains helpful figures/tables/shaded boxes, which help clarify the test. There are also case examples, which show how theory is applied in practice. There are no obvious shortcomings of the book. The book is very readable.
This book is excellent because it is written by the developer of DBT PE. The step-by-step approach enables clinicians to apply the method in various circumstances. The appendices contain valuable handouts for clients and forms for therapists, which readers can reproduce. Readers will not be disappointed because it is another tool that can be used to help trauma victims.
Review Questionnaire
Range Question Score
1-10 Are the author's objectives met? 10
1-10 Rate the worthiness of those objectives. 10
1-5 Is this written at an appropriate level? 5
1-5 Is there significant duplication? (1=significant, 5=insignificant) 5
1-5 Are there significant omissions? (1=significant, 5=insignificant) 5
1-5 Rate the authority of the authors. 5
1-5 Are there sufficient illustrations? 5
1-5 Rate the pedagogic value of the illustrations. 4
1-5 Rate the print quality of the illustrations. 5
1-5 Are there sufficient references? 5
1-5 Rate the currency of the references. 5
1-5 Rate the pertinence of the references. 5
1-5 Rate the helpfulness of the index. 5
1-5 If important in this specialty, rate the physical appearance of the book N/A
1-10 Is this a worthwhile contribution to the field? 10
1-10 If this is a 2nd or later edition, is this new edition needed? N/A