How to Read a Paper: The Basics of Evidence-Based Medicine, 5th Edition

ISBN: 9781118800966
ISBN-10: 1118800966
Copyright: 2014
Edition: 5th
Author: Greenhalgh, Trisha
Doody's Expert Review    Score: 100
Reviewer: Vincent Carr,  DO, MSA, FACC, FACP  (Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences)
This is the fifth edition of a U.K. book that outlines an approach to understanding the literature upon which the practice of medicine is based. The previous edition was published in 2010.
The preface to the first edition nicely states, "This book is intended for everyone, whether medically qualified or not, who wishes to find their way into the medical literature...." This is a most worthy purpose as many lay people as well as clinicians are seeking to understand the basis of medicine. This is an exceptionally easy to read and understand guide to how to look at the literature.
While the preface offers the book to everyone, the principal audience is clinicians faced with the overwhelming volume of published medical literature who want to be able to differentiate which studies are worthwhile and should change an aspect of their practice. The analysis of where medical practice is and where it needs to be headed makes this book imperative for clinicians and policymakers, medical leadership and academics alike.
The book has a unique approach compared to those that focus on statistics. The chapters are divided into practical matters: searching the literature and levels of evidence; assessing methodological quality; papers concerned with drug trials; papers concerned with complex interventions; papers that summarize papers; etc. The chapters do address statistics, using examples that are fairly intuitive and readable. Informative "take-home" boxes summarize key points. One of the best chapters tackles getting evidence into practice. The author explores why clinicians do not follow the evidence and change their practices, along with how we can do better in implementing change in practice and how organizations can lead the change.
This book adds much to the evidence-based practice debates. After discussing the mechanics of the evidence, it analyzes why it is difficult to change practice habits and how to address these issues. This is a valuable book for every academic library.
Review Questionnaire
Range Question Score
1-10 Are the author's objectives met? 10
1-10 Rate the worthiness of those objectives. 10
1-5 Is this written at an appropriate level? 5
1-5 Is there significant duplication? (1=significant, 5=insignificant) 5
1-5 Are there significant omissions? (1=significant, 5=insignificant) 5
1-5 Rate the authority of the authors. 5
1-5 Are there sufficient illustrations? 5
1-5 Rate the pedagogic value of the illustrations. N/A
1-5 Rate the print quality of the illustrations. N/A
1-5 Are there sufficient references? 5
1-5 Rate the currency of the references. 5
1-5 Rate the pertinence of the references. 5
1-5 Rate the helpfulness of the index. 5
1-5 If important in this specialty, rate the physical appearance of the book N/A
1-10 Is this a worthwhile contribution to the field? 10
1-10 If this is a 2nd or later edition, is this new edition needed? 10