Joint Structure and Function: A Comprehensive Analysis, 6th Edition

ISBN: 9780803658783
ISBN-10: 0803658788
Copyright: 2019
Edition: 6th
Editor: Levangie, Pamela K., Norkin, Cynthia C., Lewek, Michael D.,
Doody's Expert Review    Score: 98
Reviewer: William Martinez,  PT, OCS, FAAOMPT, CSCS  (Alves & Martinez Physical Therapy & Athletic Performance)
Now in its sixth edition, this classic book has been a staple in physical therapy education for almost 40 years. This edition reflects the changes in the understanding of adult learning and learning preferences and includes enhanced images to support current concepts, chapter outlines with page numbers at the beginning of the chapter for more efficient navigation, and enhanced anatomy overview tables for quick review. It also has new chapter contributors, reflecting a renewed commitment to reaching out to a new generation of research educators, and a new member of the editorial team, Dr. Michael Lewek, associate professor in the physical therapy division at the University of North Carolina. This edition also includes a subscription to an interactive website, Kinesiology in Action, along with an ebook version.
The authors remain steadfast in their commitment to providing a strong, contemporary, and evidence-based foundation in the principles needed in the understanding of human movement and structure. For many years this book has served targeted the void in evidence-based kinesiological foundations upon which the understanding of typical and impaired movement should be based. The additions to this update and the integrated Kinesiology in Action site respond to the needs of contemporary students, while continuing the tradition of providing a preferred resource for those seeking current concepts in human movement. The changes add tremendous value for both students and instructors and allow for clinician understanding of clinical concepts and applications.
The intended audience is those studying the science of human movement, which includes, but is not limited to, those studying physical therapy, kinesiology, biomechanics, and bioengineering. The book and the accompanying website meet the needs of these students. The authors along with the chapter contributors are all well-known and respected in the field of kinesiology, physical therapy, and biomechanics.
This well-organized book is divided into five sections and 14 chapters covering foundational concepts of human movement, functional anatomy, and the complexity of human joint design. The book is well written, in depth, clear, and organized. The accompanying site engages students and allows for integration through practical application of the concepts. Although the book is complete, the Kinesiology in Action site is a positive addition that helps students understand clinical relevance with foundational concepts, expansion of these concepts through narrated videos, and patient application. This book is complete, covering all the relevant material needed for the study of human movement.
This is a very well-designed and well-written book on the relevant concepts of human movement. It has been, and will continue to be, the go-to book on joint structure, function, functional anatomy, and human movement and its clinical relevance and application. This edition is a necessary update and I highly recommend it for both new and seasoned clinicians. We can all learn more by staying up to date with the current, evidence-based concepts this book presents.
Review Questionnaire
Range Question Score
1-10 Are the product's objectives met? 10
1-5 Does the website help achieve the purpose? 5
1-10 Rate the worthiness of those objectives. 10
1-5 Is this directed to an appropriate level? 5
1-5 Is there significant duplication? (1=significant, 5=insignificant) 5
1-5 Are there significant omissions? (1=significant, 5=insignificant) 5
1-5 Rate the authority of the authors. 5
1-5 Are there sufficient illustrations? 5
1-5 Rate the pedagogic value of the illustrations. 5
1-5 Are there sufficient references? 5
1-5 Rate the currency of the references. 5
1-5 Rate the helpfulness of the index. 5
1-5 Rate the added value from the online version. 4
1-5 Is the online version easy to access? 5
1-5 Rate the ease of navigation/search. 5
1-5 Rate the pedagogic quality of images on the online version. 5
1-5 Rate the value of added audiovisual features online. 5
1-5 Is there sufficient use of hypertext links? 5
1-5 Are there hyperlinks from references to journal articles? 5
1-5 Is there appropriate use of features like bookmarking, printing/exporting? 5
1-10 Is this a worthwhile contribution to the field? 10
1-10 If this is a 2nd or later edition, is this new edition needed? 8